Please update your browser in order to ensure the normal display of the webpage.
如果您的電腦是 Windows XP 已無法更新至 IE 9,請下載安裝其他瀏覽器的最新版本
If your computer is Windows XP and can not be updated to IE9, please download and install the latest vision of other browsers.
Firefox [download]
Chrome [download]
Opera [download]
Safari [download]
IE 請使用 IE9 或更新版本瀏覽器的標準模式[download]
please update your version of IE, and use the standard mode of IE 9 or later. [download]
1.在 IE 的功能表列,選擇"工具" -> "相容性檢視設定"
2.將 nthu.edu.tw 由"已新增至[相容性檢視]的網站"列表中移除